Fellowship Opportunities

“We have many fellowship opportunities for our congregation and as an outreach to the community. Wonderful Wednesdays happen during the school year and offer a free meal at 5:00 followed by activities, discussions, and Bible studies for all ages, children through adults.”

Youth Activities

“Youth activities include weekly meetings, mission trips, camp, and other special activities. Our focus is to have a safe, positive place for teens to come and connect with each other and with God.”

Parents Night Out

“Parents Night Out is the first Saturday of every month 5:00- 8:30. This free activity includes stories, games, crafts, videos, and dinner. Parents can enjoy a night out knowing their children are having fun in a safe and loving place.”

Youth Mission Trips

“Youth mission trips and events are a big part of our youth ministry. It gives the teens an opportunity to grow and serve- and have fun, too!”

Global Missions

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

       Jerusalem = La Porte County

Judea = Tri State Area

Samaria = The United States

Ends of the Earth = International

La Porte First United Methodist Church

1225 Michigan Ave. 





Here at the La Porte First United Methodist church we desire to have a balanced approach to our mission ministries.
As Jesus shared with his disciples in Acts 1:9 he said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The Lord was helping them understand that ministry should not take place in only one area, but everywhere!   Not only everywhere, but the church should have a balanced approach to local, regional, national and international missions in the life of the church.
As you read this brochure about the mission ministries of the FUMC, we strive to keep a balance in all areas of mission ministry.
Each month we take a special “Bread Pan” offering for a special mission either locally or internationally.
You should also know that 15 cents of every dollar given to the church is spent in some form of mission ministry away from our local church.
We believe this is a biblical approach towards mission ministry in the local church.

When Jesus said, the ends of the earth, we literally take that to mean any ministry outside of the United States.
The La Porte First United Methodist Church has a strong tradition of supporting a key ministry in Guatemala through the Mission Guatemala.
Mission Guatemala is a ministry sponsored by the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church as an advanced special.
Mr. Steve McClatchey and our youth director Jennifer Casper plan to take a mission team in June of 2018.
Rip & Shelly Ludlow have also been on a mission to Haiti. Our youth support an annual fund drive called 30 hour famine to support hunger around the world.
Other nation mission ministries the     La Porte FUMC supports are:  Scholarships for Africa University, UMCOR relief agency around the world, Operation Classroom for Liberia, Heifer project, Gideon Bibles, clean water wells for villages in Malawi, Africa.
It is important that we lend a hand on the other side of the world as well as our own back yard through service projects and financial donations.