Fellowship Opportunities

“We have many fellowship opportunities for our congregation and as an outreach to the community. Wonderful Wednesdays happen during the school year and offer a free meal at 5:00 followed by activities, discussions, and Bible studies for all ages, children through adults.”

Youth Activities

“Youth activities include weekly meetings, mission trips, camp, and other special activities. Our focus is to have a safe, positive place for teens to come and connect with each other and with God.”

Parents Night Out

“Parents Night Out is the first Saturday of every month 5:00- 8:30. This free activity includes stories, games, crafts, videos, and dinner. Parents can enjoy a night out knowing their children are having fun in a safe and loving place.”

Youth Mission Trips

“Youth mission trips and events are a big part of our youth ministry. It gives the teens an opportunity to grow and serve- and have fun, too!”

Our Mission:


The mission of the La Porte First United Methodist Church is simple yet profound. We wish to be a church that Loves God, Loves People and Loves Life.

Our central theme Bible verse is I John 4:7a “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.”